Tamouh Investments LLC awarded the project “Permit works for Basement slab rectification works- STRUCTURAL REPAIR WORKS AT BASEMENT 1 & 2, ZONE B, PLOT 1, MARINA SQUARE, REEM ISLAND DEVELOPMENT” to AIC.
Ministry of Commerce and Industry- MOCI , Oman awarded the project “consultancy services for the preparation of preliminary perspective and designs for development of projects on Government land owned by Ministry of Commerce and Industry” to AIC.
Tamouh Investments LLC awarded the project “Building Permit for the Rectification of the basement leakage- STRUCTURAL REPAIR WORKS AT BASEMENT 1 & 2” to AIC.
Saudi Commission for Tourism & National Heritage awarded the project “Rehabilitation and development of the historical heritage Alamlrani ports on the Red Sea (Stage -1) ” to AIC.
Department of Municipal Affairs and Transport awarded the project “Consultancy Services to Study the Soil Hazards and Sabkhas, Design and Supervise Soil Improvement Works in Different Areas in Emirate of Abu Dhabi” to AIC.