
About ahmedalmazrouei

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So far has created 253 blog entries.

July 2015

Announcement, Altorath International Employee of the Month JULY 2015 !

Employee of the Month Award

In recognition of your outstanding effort resulting in a high level of productivity and constant strive to improve performance,

June 2015

New Project to AIC for Judicial Department

Judicial Department awarded the project “Design Consultancy Services for Maintenance Capital Projects” to AIC. The Scope involves design and supervision.

Receiving their Awards for their Companies financial results in 2014

Muscat Municpality Plaque

Emirates Medical Association

Al Ain City Municipality

New Project to AIC for ADNOC Distribution

ADNOC Distribution awarded the project “Proposed Construction of Extra-Large Mosque to Jreen Al Aish service station” to AIC. The Consultancy services is for the design of the mosque and for obtaining all the required NOCs from all the related Authorities and Building Permit, preparation of Tender Documents and carrying out all the related consultancy services.

New Project to AIC for Abu Dhabi Ports Company

Abu Dhabi Ports Company awarded the project “Borrow Pit Management Plan for Kizad Area B” to AIC. The Project is for the development of a Borrow Pit Management Plan setting guidelines for management of borrow pits during fill excavation operations. Field monitoring and topographical survey is required to ensure the field activities comply with the

May 2015

New Project to AIC for Zelen Holdings

Zelen Holdings awarded to AIC the project “Consultancy Services for Structural Design of Ramp 5, Meena Plaza”. The Scope of work includes structural design, calculations and documentations (drawings) for the Ramp 5 structure on Meena Plaza.

New Project to AIC for Meena Holding

Meena Holding LLC awarded to AIC the project “Meena Plaza Mixed Use Development”. The scope of work is Supervision Consultancy Services for the project which is consisting of Commercial, Retail & Office Parking, Medical Care, Residential Car park, Recreational Area, Residential, Hospital and Offices.

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